Saturday, August 8, 2015

Giant Cube Exiting Earths Sun Caught On NASA Camera - August 7, 2015

Triangle UFO Passes Space Station On Live Cam - August 7, 2015

UFOs over Kolomna, Russia - August 7, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


"August 4, 2015 - Ultimate evidence of life on Mars: Did Curiosity snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on Mars? NASA’s Curiosity rover has snapped another incredible image of Mars that has led to a lot of debate whether there is life or not on the red planet. Many people believe that even though the surface conditions of Mars are far too harsh to sustain life, there is life beneath the Martian surface, and this new image of NASA’s curiosity rover has waken the debate among researchers, ufologists and media whether Mars has life. The “peculiar” image seems to show “something” hanging onto the cliffs on the red planet, at least that’s how it looks doesn’t it? Can’t see the object in question? Look carefully to the center-right part of the image, there, you will notice a strange object that clearly stands out from the rest of the surrounding landscape. There are rocks on Mars, there are rocks that might look a bit strange, and then you have objects like the one in this image. Something that is completely out of place and doesn’t seem to be a rock. The object in question seems to have ten weirdly shaped “lines” or “tentacles” coming from the center of the oval-shaped “structure?” If it is a rock, then it surely is the strangest rock ever seen on the red planet, wouldn’t you agree?"

"But, what is this thing? Is it just another rock? Or is it possible that this image is the ultimate proof of life on Mars, and that this isn’t just another rock from like many claim it to be? A Very strange-looking rock that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in the surrounding landscape of the red planet. You cannot deny to see a curiously shaped object in the image, an object that doesn’t look like a rock, and doesn’t seem to belong to the cliff, where the object is seen. Interestingly, people who have seen the image believe that this mysterious objects is in fact guarding some sort of entrance to an underground tunnel on Mars. Too much science fiction? Well could be, but if you see the image closely, you will see that behind this mysterious “tentacle object,” there seems to be some sort of entrance, of course this could be just another shadow behind it, but you cannot help and wonder what the heck this object actually is? Rock or not, this image has certainly awaken the interest in a lot of people for Mars, and everything that is going on at the surface of of neighbour planet. What if, there actually is life on Mars, life that somehow, managed to survive the harsh conditions on the red planet, and found a safe harbour beneath the Red Planet’s surface. For all of you who remain skeptical head over to NASA’s archives and see the RAW image file, to do so, click here."

Crop Circles in UK - August 4, 2015

Crop Circles in Etchilhampton, nr Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom - August 3, 2015

UFO over UK - August 3, 2015

Bright Ufo above Earth - August 3, 2015

Review Giant UFOs activity near our Sun - August 3, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015

Mysterious UFO OVNI Lights Over Pampanga, Phillipines - August 2, 2015

Crop circles and UFO over Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany - August 2, 2015

UFOs and Alien artifacts near the Sun in the survey for August 1 and August 2, 2015

UFO over UK - August 2, 2015

UFO over Over Ferndale, California, USA - August 2, 2015

Aliens Structures on Pluto - August 1, 2015

UFO over Allgäu, Germany - August 1, 2015

Crop circles in Germany - August 1, 2015