Scientists at remote Antarctic stations have reported that under the ice, seeing the moving sources of strong light. Messages from several Antarctic stations, were - emergency and scientists are worried about their safety. They require urgent action.
These reports have led to confusion, the governments of those countries whose monitoring stations will send such alerts.
In addition to disturbing reports from the U.S. Antarctic stations, received similar information from Russian scientists. Earlier, a group of Russian scientists - have been reported on the observation of light and sound anomalies in the Vostok Station subglacial lake located in Antarctica.
European scientists say that something is, located under the ice of Antarctica, got back 12,000 years ago, when the Continent was not yet covered in ice. What is there, is the oldest man-made structures on Earth.
There is evidence that the United States in 2001, was sent to the area of detecting anomalies in the presence of an expedition which has drilling rigs and heavy equipment for excavations including laser-based drills. And the abnormal activity in the under-ice area, apparently the result of the excavations of ancient structures under the ice shell.
We report an emergency evacuation, scientists from the Antarctic stations, located in the area.
Scientists have turned to Congress to demand open public and scientific community information that was found in Antarctica, writes realnewsreporter.com
It is known that over the past few years have visited Antarctica Condoleezza Rice and Nikolai Patrushev. Oversees NSA almighty American studies, which is somewhat strange. Finding the tourists in Antarctica is strictly regulated and are they are there not more than 4 hours. All unauthorized trip cut short, "men in black". So what's under the Antarctic ice cap could attract enough U.S. government circles, as well as Russia, which they send to the continent, in the area of Lake Vostok, the scientific expedition, equipped with expensive equipment and carefully classified?
According to information published in foreign sources, in February 2000, two groups of scientists who carried out a joint research program funded by the U.S. government and the UK, intended to lower the water in the lake specific probes, equipped with various sensors. But suddenly they all were instructed to stop work on the program.No explanation for this was not followed. And the Russian Antarctic station at the same time, allegedly came a new contingent of researchers, with whom he had delivered a large number of complex and expensive equipment. And it all happened in secret.
Some time after the events described in the Australian Antarctic station "Casey" in the East side of the lake off two traveler intending to cross the Antarctic continent on skis. When they reached the lake and were already on its ice cover, not far from them suddenly landed the U.S. Air Force aircraft, and "persons in civilian clothes," asked the brave young women to proceed at his side, explaining that arrived to save them.Meanwhile, Barnett had regularly employed means of communication, and about any assistance they are requested. It is known that during his ski trip girl said by satellite phone with family and friends, that on his return to tell them about something quite incredible. However, after returning home, nothing they have not told and did not give any interviews. "
Policies are often in Antarctica
Since December 2005
Sergei Ivanov, a first deputy prime minister oversaw the project GLONASS. Then President Vladimir Putin gave private instruction to Mr. Ivanov to accelerate the deployment of the system: the whole of Russia GLONASS was to begin work to January 1, 2008
December 28, 2006
U.S. Air Force as part of Operation Deep Freeze was first carried out large-scale parachute dropping 40 tons of cargo directly to the South Pole with heavy military transport C-17 Globemaster III ...
January 5, 2007
At the Antarctic station "Bellingshausen" landed the Federal Security Service Director Nikolai Patrushev, together with the first deputy director of the FSB - the head of the Border Service of Russia Vladimir Pronichev and State Duma deputy Artur Chilingarov.
January 7, 2007
Two Russian Mi-8 helicopter is the first time reached the South Pole. On board the helicopter were - State Duma deputy Artur Chilingarov, head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Nikolai Patrushev, his deputy and the head of the FSB Border Guard Service Vladimir Pronichev, as well as the head of the World Meteorological Organization Alexander Bednitsky. Members of the expedition met with American explorers ...
November 12, 2007
A trip to Antarctica, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov yesterday visited the Russian research station "Novolazarevskaya" in Antarctica. Ivanov flew over eastern parts of the "white continent", inspected the station "Novolazarevskaya", held a meeting on transport provision polar handed them awards and the government promised an additional runway.
"To fly to Antarctica" - it sounds easy. Six hours flight from Cape Town instead of a few (one to six) weeks, which takes the same path, but on the water. A weighty detail easy phrase acquires in the course of the movement already. The head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Alexei Fedorov fair warning: if you suddenly go bad weather Novolazarevskaya, back in Cape Town IL-76 did not return. Its fuel - to 8-hour flight, and now - six in one direction only. Two hours before landing - "the point of return." This is such an optimistic version of the title, actually it's more a "point of no return" - if time does not turn around, going back might not be.
Now on a visit to Antarctica first Deputy Prime Minister Ivanov, with a whole retinue of ministers, there is a lot of questions:
For once this policy ever since the risk? In the same plane together, Prime Minister, a couple of other ministers, but with a senior official with the rank of the industry almost Minister. Well, got to Cape Town in the familiar comfort of IL-62VIP, not for mere mortals, but only for the government, and safe air routes over the continents. But then move on military transport Il-76TD no amenities, where luxury from birth did not happen, and even 6:00 and flew over the desert cold Southern Ocean, where ships are only whalers, and then rarely, do not appear every year, and almost "in nowhere "- without any navigation software dispatching and tracking from the ground. What happened - the plane land on the water will not be able to sit down and wait for help from no ...
So, what is - Antarctica?
Antarctica, until recently, was considered a continent covered with ice for millions of years. but now it is in fact refuted, are the remains of dinosaurs and other forms of life previously unknown. It is interesting that opened our Bellensgauzen Antarctica, many believed that it generally does not. But maps of this land and no ice-have been the most famous Ottoman admiral card Piri Reiss of the 16th century, is also a map of Antarctica on the Mercator and other cartographers. Confirmed the authenticity of the card, just after the 2nd World War, thanks to our polar expedition. From these cards, who could make them, so why aerofotosemochnaya accuracy?
Why return to Antarctica, the U.S. military?
It appeared obvious interest in Antarctica, about a year ago. Familiar with the icebreaker sailor "I. Khlebnikov," said on their convoy of seven U.S. ships to Antarctica. He told me that he had seen a lot of confusing technology and many of the military. All this has left deep into the continent and was accompanied by all sorts of privacy (ice-breaker was being unloaded on the roads, the team was not allowed on the beach, at first, but with binoculars for watching the landing of the U.S.) That's the question - okay technique (though why so many?) but the soldiers that they in Antarctica for?
New Swabia reality?
There is direct documentary evidence that from 1940 till 1943 the Nazis erected in Antarctica Queen Maud Land region some sensitive sites. Soviet intelligence was significantly following is known. Some German scientists share the theory of "hollow earth" according to which under the surface of the planet, there are huge voids, which are real oases with warm air.
According to German experts, such voids existed in Antarctica. In the study of "outcomes" of archival documents, SMERSH, but there is evidence that in 1938 the German submariners, who investigated the ice continent, ostensibly to find something under a layer of ice. If you believe the secret documents, it refers to "the territories under the ground, but with the same mountains and continents, oceans, freshwater, internal sun around which Earth rotates." Passage in these areas is possible as a result of the special maneuvers when submerged submarines. Sailing Directions maintained. The Germans, suggesting that the cards can fall into the wrong hands, have several options, including the false ones. Maps printed in 1,500 copies in the concentration camp Dachau "zonderlaboratorii" in January 1944, indicating that extreme secrecy of information. Not surprisingly, all the people involved in their manufacture, were destroyed.
In any case, it was not just a card. On each of these figures and signs that require decoding experts in the field of astronomy and navigation, indicated a different key.There is a suspicion that they are used according to the seasons and the location of the moon. At the end of the war the People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR Admiral Kuznetsov Nikolai * were directed exploration ten copies of German U-cards for the "organization of work planned and make suggestions."
Historians, working with archival documents, the SS found the specific entry. "My divers have found a real paradise on earth," - said the commander of the German submarine fleet, Admiral Doenitz. And yet another mysterious phrase, heard from his lips: "The German submarine fleet is proud to be half a world created for the Fuhrer's impregnable fortress." Blabbed about it and supposedly Hitler himself. At the celebration at the completion of the building of a new Reich Chancellery, he said, "Okay! If we are in this fission-peredelenoy Europe for a few days, you can attach to the Reich a couple of states, with Antarctica are no problems in sight and even more so ..."
Of the secret documents show that in 1940 in Antarctica on the personal instructions of Hitler began construction of two underground bases. Their purpose was purely functional - they were a safe refuge and at the same time polygons to create superperedovyh technologies. There is no sacred meaning to these objects no one invested.
To transport goods to distant lands used 38 submarines from the compound "Convoy Fuhrer." Mention of these boats are also found in the documents of the Soviet intelligence: "... I report, June 11, 1945 79 members of SMERSH counterintelligence Rifle Corps in the headquarters building of the German Navy at the Berlin Tiergarten, Tirpittszufer 38-42, in the office found" maps passage of the deep sea, "marked" only for the submarine captains the A-class escort Sonderkommando Hitler "in an amount of 38 pieces, numbered with a series of" 44 "№ 0199 from 0188 to 0446 ... with a number of 0456."
According to some military historians, at the very end of the war in the German port of Kiel with the submarines and torpedoes shot loaded with containers with different goods. In addition, the submarine took on board the passengers - a number in the hundreds, and who was destined to become residents of New Swabia.
Mysteries of Antarctica
It would seem, well, what puzzles and mysteries can be found on an uninhabited continent where over 99% of the area covered by a layer of ice thickness of up to four kilometers, the average temperature of even the summer months range from-30o to-50o C, almost no vegetation, and wildlife is represented by only living on the coast of penguins and seals? But ...
In Antarctica, at a distance of 480 kilometers from the South Pole, is a huge lake of the East. By area, it does not yield to such lakes as Lake Onega, Chad, and Nicaragua. The thickness of ice above the lake - three and a half to four and a half miles, its maximum depth - 1200 meters, and located in an area just above his Russian Antarctic station "Vostok" - 680 meters. Scientists around the world say a study of this unique lake one of the most interesting and intractable scientific problems early XXI century.
When received from orbiting satellites, U.S. data showed that over a water surface of the lake there is a covered ice dome cavity height of 800 meters and instruments registered a high magnetic activity there, the further implementation of the American Studies program suddenly interrupted, and all civilians have been excluded from it.Guide further work was transferred to certain government bodies and agencies.
Until 2000, the U.S. side of the lake was engaged in research an international team of scientists, but then the reins of government has assumed control of U.S. national security. NASA representative on the Media Relations Deborah Shingteller said that such a change was dictated by considerations of national security. Immediately after these words took place before the microphone is one of the heads of NASA, said that "studies interrupted for maintenance of ecological safety of the environment." Since then, contact Deborah Shingteller and find out what kind of security she had in mind, none of the journalists could not.
So what's under the Antarctic ice cap could attract enough U.S. government circles, as well as Russia, which they send to the continent, in the area of Lake Vostok, the scientific expedition, equipped with expensive equipment and carefully classified?
Instruments mounted on satellites, showed that the temperature of water in the lake ranges from +10 o to +18 o C! This means that in the depths of the lake are geothermal or any other heat sources. In analyzing the readings, the researchers suggested that in the cavity between the ice dome covering the lake and its water surface can be self-cleaning the atmosphere, and perhaps in her living plants.
According to information published in foreign sources, in February 2000, two groups of scientists who carried out a joint research program funded by the U.S. government and the UK, intended to lower the water in the lake specific probes, equipped with various sensors. But suddenly they all were instructed to stop work on the program.No explanation for this was not followed. And the Russian Antarctic station at the same time, allegedly came a new contingent of researchers, with whom he had delivered a large number of complex and expensive equipment. And it all happened in secret.
Some time after the events described in the Australian Antarctic station "Casey" in the East side of the lake off two traveler intending to cross the Antarctic continent on skis. When they reached the lake and were already on its ice cover, not far from them suddenly landed the U.S. Air Force aircraft, and "persons in civilian clothes," asked the brave young women to proceed at his side, explaining that arrived to save them.Meanwhile, Barnett had regularly employed means of communication, and about any assistance they are requested. It is known that during his ski trip girl said by satellite phone with family and friends, that on his return to tell them about something quite incredible. However, after returning home, nothing that they did not tell and no interviews were not given.
In view of this, some researchers and ufologists mysterious phenomena of nature and mystery stories discussing the possibility of the existence of Antarctica - on the surface or under the ice cover - secret base, the UFO or Nazi Germany (!), And some believe that one does not exclude the other.
As for the latter two assumptions, even with the skeptical attitude toward the idea of the existence of UFOs in Antarctica Nazi Base is even more fantastic, if not downright absurd. But perhaps the rush to such conclusions should not be ...
In the summer of 1940 in a mountainous area near the town of Kowary, on the south-west of occupied Poland, the Nazis created a highly classified training center. There were educated and trained soldiers and officers, specially selected from the elite units of the Wehrmacht. They were preparing for combat operations in the harshest conditions of polar regions as the Arctic and ... Antarctica.
The decision on the annexation of Queen Maud Land - Norwegian possessions in eastern Antarctica - the German command decided in May 1940, shortly after the surrender of Norway. For this purpose, was formed by a special military unit under the command of General Alfred Richter, the backbone of which were to form, those who will be trained in a camp under tricky. There is evidence that plans for the landing of Queen Maud Land Germans nurtured since 1938 and even before the area came up to its name: New Swabia. Richter allegedly already flown over it in a small plane and dropped down a few dozen pennants with the swastika, showing complete disregard for international agreements on the division of Antarctica. And in 1941 the Germans really had landed in Antarctica, in the former, as they believed the Norwegian possessions, and founded there his station "Oasis" in the area, now known under the name of the Bunger Hills, on behalf of the American pilot, who discovered it in 1946 .Antarctic "oases" - this land, free from ice. Their origin has not been fully elucidated.Some ufologists and researchers of historical mysteries and incomprehensible phenomena, including the Polish and Slovak Lesnyakevich Robert Milos Esensky suggest that one cause of education, in particular, the Bunger Hills, the largest in Antarctica could become ... experiments with nuclear energy, carried out by the Germans at "Oasis" in the Second World War. On this they write in their book «Wunderland». Extraterrestrial technology in the Third Reich, "published in 1999 in Warsaw.
What is found in Antarctica right now? This is parallel to the base of civilization, or an alien civilization, New Swabia, or to dwell there SOMETHING?
I think we will soon know about it, perhaps now we are witnessing the opening of the next chapter of "hiding" ...
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