HOAX and Deception NASA satellite SOHO STEREO images for February 6, 2014

We see the location of the satellites relative to the Sun and the planets Mercury and Venus, relative to the point of observation satellite SOHO STEREO (A + B). And now, let's see official pictures of NASA satellites for February 6, 2014 Planets are absolutely in other orbits, relative to the point of observation! I'm looking for advertisers For this channel! Please help this channel - a donation on PayPal: snezhinsk2@gmail.com For more exclusive information on UFOs, please visit http://x-u-f-o.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Anomalies, "RODs" and HAARP rays in the sky over Neumayer Station III, Antarctica - February 1, 2014

Impact HAARP? Alien technology?? I'm looking for advertisers For this channel! Please help this channel - a donation on PayPal: snezhinsk2@gmail.com