More and more people on Earth, see the mysterious phenomena in the sky, as well as unidentified flying objects. Governments of all countries withhold information from its citizens and put pressure on witnesses and the media. This resource was created to promote the free flow of information on UFOs and paranormal phenomena, bypassing the ban and censorship of the government. People need to know the truth!
Monday, April 23, 2012
In Loch Ness, United Kingdom, found a giant moving object!
In themurky waters ofthe GulfArhartin theLochNessat a depth of23 meterswere reportedmysterious creature.Ithas an elongatedserpentineshape and thickness ofabout 1.5meters.
The imagewas obtainedon the touristboatcaptainMarcusAtkinson.Sonartook picturesof all the objectsat a depthunder theboateveryquarter of a second.Inall the photographsdepicteda large, movinglike a livingunidentified object.
Beingfollowed theboatfor severalminutes.
Expertshave already ruledthat the objectcouldbea log,a bunch offish ora largeaccumulation ofdebris.These pictures- oneof the bestevidence for the existenceof unknowncreaturesin the lake,but neverthelessthey have noreason torecord thatthis is thefamousmonsterof LochNess.
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