The aliens use address of the intermediary for the transmission of signals. (decryption the signal from Proxima Centauri ch.4)


Many astrophysicists have expressed doubt that the signal from Proxima Centauri, which came in 2019, can be reasonable. According to them, based on the age of our galaxy, life could have spread much further than the nearest star to Earth. And how could the earthlings not notice the signals from the nearest neighbor before?

A new part of the decryption will be devoted to the answer to this question.

We, the authors, deciphered the WOW signal back in 2010, and now we understand the mechanism of transmitting alien messages.

The main mistake of astrophysicists is the opinion that the alien planets do not know anything about the Earth and its inhabitants. Even despite the information noise and technological garbage that comes from the Earth in all directions. This view is a direct consequence of a misunderstanding of the world order.
In reality, the opposite is true. Aliens are well aware of what is happening on Earth, hear, see and know in advance about the earth's steps.

Also, the aliens try to simplify their Messages as much as possible, so that they are understandable to earthlings. This is probably why they chose this time the simplest example of sending a signal through an address called PROXIMA.

From the previous parts of the transcript, it is clear that the information is transmitted by the method of "rearranging the letters in the earth words that are involved in the description of the transmission-reception of the signal." Therefore, in the transmission of this signal, the main thing is not the place of its sending-the coordinates of the star Proxima Centauri, but the set of letters of its name-PROXIMA CENTAURI, so that in it simply reads the words PROXY CENTER – proxy center, or proxy server. (see Fig.)

Why did the aliens need to point to the PROXY technology?
A proxy is an intermediary link between the subscriber's computer and the Internet. The technology is mainly used to hide your IP-address when communicating on the Internet and to protect your computer from external threats.
In fact, for the same purposes, the aliens use the intermediary point in transmitting their signals. But this time, specifically pointing out its use, they still additionally answer a few questions from earthlings.

What are these questions?
1. First, after learning about such a" course" of the aliens, the earthlings will immediately have a question: why do they act so "dishonestly" against the earthlings who use "honest" searches for the extra-terrestrial civilizations?

The answer is: does every earthman, communicating in the global network, open his home address, street and house to everyone? The consequences of such credulity are clear. There will definitely be an inadequate opponent who wants to meet you face-to-face.
Using PROXY technology, the aliens also seek to protect themselves.
If the earthlings specify the exact star address, then everyone who can reach it with probes or radio telescopes will rush to it. Without asking for an invitation or permission. And who wants to have someone else's drone constantly hanging over you? And even more so when the aliens are well aware of the moral qualities of earthlings.

At the first stage of Contact, it is enough that the aliens indicate their existence with intelligent signals, while simultaneously testing the intelligence of the earthlings with them. Further conclusions about direct Contact also depend on the results of preliminary Communication.

2. For astrophysicists, the main confirmation that the signal came from space, and not from the "microwave", is the recording of its repetition. If there is no repeat, then there is no confirmation, and the signal is sent to the archive forever.

By pointing out that their signal is being sent to Earth via a PROXY, the aliens immediately say that the sending address of the signal is "false".
Under the address of the signal, astrophysicists today understand specific stellar coordinates, the similarity of the earth's GPS point. Their identification forms the basis for subsequent research.
Pointing to the PROXY, the aliens directly say that they are not at this point, and therefore it is useless to wait for a second signal, thereby freeing the earthlings from misconceptions and loss of time.
They use an answering machine to send the signal. But this is the subject of another article.

3. Having failed to decipher the signals, today astrophysicists have chosen for themselves an indisputable proof of the extra-terrestrial civilizations more "reliable" reference points - the detection of technosignatures in deep space, technical devices that, in fact, can only be the result of the activities of aliens.

Aliens use of PROXY technology, how about addresses, logically grounded in the process of extraterrestrial contact with humans is the most sought thesignature proving the existence of aliens.

4. Since the signals coming to Earth are designated by the aliens as PROXIES, this means that they contain useful information, but encrypted. Because the PROXY technology is also used to encrypt the passing signal.
Today, it is obvious that in its arsenal of signal processing methods, astrophysics does not (!) have a working direction for their decryption. Therefore, astrophysics states that "there can be no information in an unmodulated (monotone) signal", and is limited to waiting for the signal to repeat.
But as mentioned above, if the signal is really sent by aliens, then there will be no repeat from the PROXY point? They otherwise show that the signal is repeated. How, for example, this unmodulated signal from Proxima Centauri repeated the unmodulated WOW signal.

We, the authors, in our research show a way to decipher cosmic signals, both individual and FRB (millisecond). We show that the information in them is transmitted "by rearranging the letters in the earth words involved in the description of the transmission-reception of the signal". This method works and demonstrates the scientific principle: it is repeated on every real extraterrestrial signal, and the decryption technique can be reproduced by anyone.
After all, those who send signals from Space to the Earth, say with their help that earthlings are not alone. And signals are sent to all the inhabitants of the planet, and not to individual teams of astrophysicists, so that they themselves draw conclusions and hide them from the public.
Therefore, the method of decrypting signals by their authors is provided as simple as possible and open to everyone.

We limit this interpretation to the similarity of the English words PROXIMA CENTAURI and PROXY CENTRE, in order to show a primitively simple way of revealing hidden information, which will be easily understood by English-speaking groups of astrophysicists.
The concept of PROXY in this signal has more information that will be shown after explaining the full encryption method.

If we take into account that two words PROXY CENTER were hidden in the two words PROXIMA CENTAURI, then there are already 18 matches in the four parts of the signal decryption.

CONCLUSION. Programming the most transparent hint-PROXIMA = PROXY and an obvious understanding of the role of this technology in the process of extraterrestrial contact, the aliens hope that when the prompting is detected, the earthlings will make the only correct conclusion about the reasonableness of the received signal.

The full transcript of the c signal from Proxima Centauri will be published at:

Grigoriev Yuri and Azhazha Anna
experts on extraterrestrial contact