World Sensation 2013! The Sun Project presents "UFOs and Aliens around our Sun" ©myunhauzen74


What do we really know about the sun?
What do you know about the relationship between the earth and the sun?
What do you know about anomalies around the sun?
You don't know the whole truth
Are you ready to know the truth NASA has kept hidden?
Planetary sized ufos and aliens!
Star Wars around the sun?
 Why are they there?
The Sun Project presents..........
"UFOs and Aliens around our Sun"
Coming soon to book and dvd
For full information about UFOs and paranormal phenomena, please visit
©Aleksei Sapozhnikov & ©James Palestro

Что мы действительно знаем о Солнце?
Что вы знаете о взаимодействии между Землей и Солнцем?
Что вы знаете о аномалиях вокруг Солнца?
Вы не знаете всей правды
 Готовы ли вы узнать правду которую скрывает НАСА ?
Планетарные размеров НЛО и пришельцев!
Star Wars вокруг Солнца?
Почему они там?
The Sun Project presents
"НЛО и Пришельцы вокруг нашего Солнца"
Скоро в книге и DVD
©Aleksei Sapozhnikov & ©James Palestro
Для получения большей информации о НЛО, посетите

Breaking News! Disclosure of NASA hiding the span of a giant UFO near the Sun from February 17 to February 23, 2013. Published February 25, 2013.

Pay attention as the object changes the form when flying and as the object generates a protective field from sunlight. As, pay attention to a huge beam from object - the laser? Arrangement of satellites from February 17 to February 23, 2013. STOP! If to consider position of satellites, the Behind satellite had to photograph Mercury the same as photographed the Ahead satellite! You can check images from the Behind satellite at the time of Mercury passing. Mercury there isn't present! 

Breaking News! The scientists recorded glowing angels in Earth's orbit! Picture of the Hubble Space Telescope! Publ. February 24, 2013

It was during the investigation of the galaxy NGG-3532: sensors "Hubble" detected the appearance of the Earth's orbit seven bright objects. Transfer pictures on the first scientists were willing to assume that the "Hubble" captures some UFOs flying in a group. But on some of the resulting images were visible then slightly blurry, but, nevertheless, high visibility luminous figures of winged creatures that resemble angels.

"They were about 20 meters in height, - said project engineer" Hubble "John Pratchers. - Their wings are reached in span length of the wings of modern Airbus. These creatures emit strong luminescence.

Scientists have been looking seriously the biblical heaven and hell: one looking for them on Earth, the other - in the space surrounding the planet.

Usually people think of space as is a quiet place. But recently, astronomers from the U.S. found with instruments strange noise coming from the depths of the universe.

Unknown cosmic roar in strength up to 6 times more than all the known radio sources in the universe together. This opening up new avenues to treat eye opener of the late 1990s, when scientists announced the discovery of life in space. Then experts NASA, studying anomalies in images taken orbiting telescope "Hubble", found in photos ... flying angelic figure.