Hidden world of secrecy - mind control - 2012

You asked yourself that everything that happens on our planet, it is shown on television and in theaters, your favorite idols, actors, politicians, athletes - it's all part of one big conspiracyIf not, then you have time to open your eyes! They are 99% - LeftyNow think over the world in which we live and who owns our hearts, our minds, our souls,our lives ...

UFO - Plasma or what? Observation of Snezhinsk, Russia March 27, 2012

The video recordings are places of anomalous phenomena March 27 and at the sameplace, shot the morning of March 28, 2012

NEW! 32º of Insanity: 03.25.12 - Nibiru behind Mars/ Exotic Mass Object (EMO) under Sun Theory

NEW! 32º of Insanity: 03.25.12 - Nibiru behind Mars/ Exotic Mass Object (EMO) under Sun Theory

EXTRA! 32º of Insanity: 03.25.12 - 7.2 Earthquake rocks Chile & mystery light over Russia