UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun - Review of December 29, 2011 (SOHO STEREO Behind EUVI 195)

December 29, 2011, in the orbit of the sun, mostly dominated by giant UFO. Very clearly visiblerebuilding unidentified objects, as well as the interaction UFO - UFO giants smaller.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun - Review of December 28, 2011 (SOHO STEREO Behind EUVI 195)

This review is interesting appearance at certain intervals UFO - Ships giant size, exceeding the size of Earth. So you see the maneuvering in orbit the Sun

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun - Review of December 27, 2011 (SOHO STEREO Behind EUVI 195)

On this day, there was intense maneuvering a set of UFO in orbit the Sun. Many of the objects were moving at an interesting trajectory. Also, a new type has been seen a UFO shaped like a CROSS! See for yourself.

Aliens or phantoms - hosts. Supervision in the city of Snezhinsk, Russia. December 2011

The given photo has been made at the moment of occurrence of a rumble and not clear fog, during telecast viewing. As it will be visible from the analysis, not a photomontage and not a fake. It is clearly visible contours of two figures. The effect of presence was observed about two minutes then, the rumble and a fog have disappeared! Time of supervision 01 - 11 А.М.

UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun - Review for December 25, 2011 (SOHO STEREO Behind EUVI 195)

Due to the high solar activity on December 25, there was an increased accumulation of UFO in orbit the Sun. You can see the emergence of a giant cigar-shaped UFO - "RODs", multiplesimultaneous maneuvering of unidentified objects of different geometric structures and sizes.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

UFO - a fiery sphere over the city of Snezhinsk, Russia on December, 24th 2011.

The UFO was observed in territory of all Chelyabinsk area. The object had the spherical form, a bright red shade and silently flied at height about 100 metres.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A very large UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun - Review for December 23, 2011

There is a multitude of giant UFO, "RODS", maneuvering and interaction with each other unidentified objects. It is also observed the presence of many unidentified flying objects smaller.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Maneuvering UFO on the north and south poles of the Sun - December 20, 2011.

Pay attention to traffic flow on the surface of the sun UFO, as well as the number of unidentified objects!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Giant UFO in orbit of the Sun December 18, 2011

The film deals with the huge object in the solar corona, which is fixed satellite images GOES long time. You will see the object in extreme close-ups, which quite clearly seen its structure, so you can make decisions about its design and the fact of its existence.
All Photo data used in this film, the official. You can check it yourself, using the official materials of the site: www.swpc.noaa.gov